Friday, August 13, 2010

Computer speed became low

Hey computer geeks help me out!?

Now this is a huge problem. You see my computer recognition speed became low. My main problem is letters get recognized lately For Eg-When I type 'asd' on my keyboard in the notepad they show up 3 or 4 sec. later on my screen. I already have Kapersky and Tune up Utilities. What is my problem?

Additional Details

Mine is an almost new Dell laptop. I guess this all started happening after a pop-up opened in a website. Is it any Malware?


I just answered this question for someone else, so I am just going to cut and paste my answer, the detials may be a bit different.

The heart of your computer, motherboard, cpu, memory, etc works or it doesn't, it does not get weaker with age the way a car engine might. So, you are either running too much on it or there there is something memory ( hard drive) related keeping it from accessing data as it should.

Start by opening your computer in safe mode and running virus scans, adware, spybot, etc. Everything you can think of to weed out hidden programs.

Most people who don't take care of their computers are running lots of useless crap in the background that they never see but that takes up their computer power, you should look at your start up and your services list and strip it to the absolute minimum. You think it is cute to have a cursor that looks like a dinosaurs that runs across your page when you move your mouse? Maybe, but it takes CPU power. Go to "run" and type in MSCONFIG, when the Program come up pick start and go through each individual process and remove all those that are not absolutely necessary for your PC, that includes all the little convenience garbage like Automatic updates, you should to that yourself once a week. This alone would fix all the problems that 90 percent of users have.

Go to Black Viper's web site, , he has a great few pages telling you what services you should allow your computer to fun based on your OS and what you do with it. Not only will it give you more speed, it will make your computer more secure.

The only "hardware" issue, you are liable to have is not enough Ram, but this would only be for the running of new software and not enough or horribly fragmented ROm. Go through your hard drive and trash anything you don't use. Got an hundred gigs of ****? Weed out the ones you don't watch and remember don't just delete, but also empty the recycle bin. Got games you only play once a year? Assuming you still have the disks, remove them. When you are done, defrag your disk.

Just from this stuff, and assuming you take this time to get rid of the crap that came reinstalled by the manufacturer, going just to the bare windows, your computer should not only be faster than it has been, but faster than it was when you bought it.

While it never hurts to crack upon your case and clean the dust out, and it is in fact something you shoulld do periodically ( especially if you are a smoker or have pets) that will not effect your speed. If your computer overheats is will stop, not slowdown.

See you added that stuff too late. Ignore the hardware stuff mentioned, focus on cleaning out start up, malware, etc. Also check your power settings. Your lap top may be set to dial back when it is on battery, and you may have accidentally set the default to similar parameters.

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