Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Windows Vista Install Guide Page 4

16) PC Name:

Here is where we can name the system for networking purposes. By default, it uses the account name entered in the previous step and adds "-PC" to it. We can also select a background for the desktop.
After making your selection, select the Next button.

17) Updates:

Here we can configure Windows Update with several options. I suggest "Use recommended options" or the top option for most PC users.

18) Time Settings:

Here is where you can set the time and daylight savings time options.
After configuring your time zone, clock settings and date, select the Next button.

19) Network Configuration:

Vista now asks our network configuration by asking "Home, Work or Public Place."
Descriptions are expanded on screen so I will no go into them here.
Make your selection to continue to the next screen.

20) Thanks!:

On this screen, we are thanked by Bill G. for installing Windows Vista.
After you are done being thanked, select the Next button.

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