Friday, January 14, 2011

Google Adsense for beginners part 1

What is AdSense

Everywhere  on the Internet people talk about Adsense. As we know, Google is the most popular search engine on the net. Ad sense is the program of Google only, Adsense works as an advertising platform, it displays related ads on the websites. Ads may be displayed in the form of Banner, Flash banner, Text ads, links, etc. on the website. Whenever Ads are viewed by website users or visitors the AdSense program generates some revenue to the website owner.

How AdSense Program Works

There are two services provided by Google’s Advertising Program; the names are ADWORDS and ADSENSE. Google Adwords is used for advertising a purpose. For example, if any company wants to promote new products on the Internet, then that company goes to Adword’s program and gets registered there to display their product advertisements on the internet. Now Google shows those ads to their approved websites through AdSense Programs. When Adsense ads on a website or blog get clicked, then for this valid click, Adsense pays to the website owner. Ad sense works on these available options such as, Site Content, Adsense for Search, Adsense for Mobile, Adsense for Feeds.

What Google is earning?

Advertisers pay money whenever clicks are generated. That paid amount by Advertisers is divided into two parts i.e. 80% and 20%. Google gets 20% sharing amount and 80% amount goes to Adsense Account owner.

Requirements for Adsense Account

  • Adsense works on the websites and other web applications, so you must have a good quality website or any other application (blog, webpage etc.).
  • Your website must be active at least 2 months.
  • G-mail ID is asked for applying for AdSense program because it is the program of Google.
  • If your website is having some traffic then it is an add advantage to get approved of your application.
  • Yours address and phone number is necessary for contact purpose.
  • Web Application includes only original content.

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